To best describe our lives right now we would say that we are somewhere between those days of eating Ramen noodles for every meal and meeting up at the Sizzler for the 4:30 early bird dinner. Exactly where we are on that spectrum seems to change on a daily basis. At the beginning of every week, we find ourselves (or at least one of us) heading to the grocery store with visions of homecooked family meals eaten together around a beautifully set dining room table. Inevitably, however, life chooses not to cooperate with our well intentioned plans and we find ourselves too tired to even open up that emergency box of Hamburger Helper in the back of the pantry. A quick phone call and a disposable container or two later, we have full bellies and a clean kitchen. God is good! Between church, kids, and trying to find time for just the two of us, our life can get pretty crazy, but we love the twists and turns, the ups and downs, and the back and forths so much that we decided to share them with the world! Our hope and prayer is that this blog will give you something to take with you that feeds your mind, nourishes your soul, and leaves you full of joy. And just like any good take out... we're here anytime the craving hits you!

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